gemstone Secrets

gemstone Secrets

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As its bright color indicates, the chrysoprase has energetic virtues. In fact, it is the ideal stone for little sleepers and insomniacs thanks to its relaxing and soothing effects.

Scolecite is a gentle stone that dissipates anger & brings inner peace. It can also facilitate dream work and travel in the astral realms, helping you receive messages from your Higher Self and explore other dimensions.

Jet is a protection & purification stone. It helps protect you from negative influences and connects you with the energy of the Earth for integration, healing, and empowerment.

Moldavite is a bottle-green to brown-green gemstone belonging to the tektite group. It is formed from condensed rock vapors after a meteorite impact.

These gems only hit commercial markets in the 1960s, but from the moment they debuted, they have been superstars.

It has been long believed that amazonite is a soothing stone, that calms the brain and nervous system. It is thought to aid in bringing good health and helps in balancing masculine and feminine energies.

An ancient superstition has led many people to believe that malachite helps babies sleep and keeps evil spirits at bay. For this reason, many parents place a lozenge of malachite on their babies.

Currently, we believe topaz can be worn as an amulet to eliminate sorrow and increase confidence; Wearing it as a pendant is said to help make us emotionally stable, and avoid nightmares.

Tourmaline with tiny parallel inclusions sometimes displays a strong cat's eye effect when polished.

Gemstone List: A Complete Gemstones List with Images A complete list of precious and semi-precious gemstones: Showing over 200 gemstone varieties, our gemstone index will help you find the perfect colored stone for your jewelry, collecting and crystal healing needs.

The term selenite is used to refer to varieties of the mineral gypsum that show obvious crystalline structure. It is very soft at 2 on Moh’s hardness scale so rarely cut into gemstones.

Watermelon Tourmaline supports heart-centered awareness, calming the mind and emotions and bringing us into alignment with deep joy and peace.

Beauty mainly refers to the color and the luster; durability refers to hardness and corrosion resistance and melting resistance; scarcity means limited natural reserves.

Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a green gemstone dotted onyx western with bright red spots of iron oxide.

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